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Walden Plays


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Walden plays acoustic tributes to various folk, alternative, punk, metal, and rock bands.  Depending on the crowd and venue, performances can be quiet or loud, but they are always energetic, engaging and interactive.  Walden generally takes requests of what songs or bands the audience wants to hear and highly encourages participation by singing, dancing on stage, or joining in on random percussive noise makers.

"The live show is as entertaining as you make it out to be.  So let loose, get weird, get wild, get up on the stage, and let's fuck shit up."

Walden has played scores of shows over the last 20 years as a soloist and with various other bands.  In 2018 he released 3 concept EPs, "Love Songs?", "Xmas $ongs?", and "Punk Songs?".  As an album release party for "Xmas $ongs?" Walden wrote, designed, produced, & directed "Thou Shalt Not Xmas", the worst Christmas musical imaginable.  In 2016 he did an experimental solo tour across Canada (#theWHHT), has shared the stage with Mr. Chi Pig (SNFU) & Paul McKenzie (The Real McKenzies), opened for D.O.A. & Tom Holliston (Nomeansno), among many more.  Walden's claim to fame is that he is a percussionist for the "world's worst band", Guinness World Record holding & Grammy award nominated Green Jellÿ (aka Green Jellö).


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vancouver, bc, canada